Loved Being Hated

How she hated being loved and loved being hated,
How she could never believe the sweet words he stated,
For she saw the futility of those words,
And the deceptive nature of his verse.
She saw the hollowness that they hid,
And in this apparent world she couldn't fit.
She saw the world drape itself,
In lies made of breakable shells.
In words and songs so falsely stated,
And that's why she loved being hated.
Every moment the dark voids grew manifold,
Like the deepening of the dark holes in their souls,
And she feared being lost in that abyss,
Because to trap her was a chance the world wouldn't miss.
So now she started to walk alone,
Trembling feet pressing down the stones.
Though she hated being loved, it was love she believed in,
Just trying to save them from their sins.


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